Webinar on AI & Democracy

février 4 @ 18:00 - 19:30

Can artificial intelligence endanger democracy?

This online debate will explore the complex relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and democracy. Join us to discuss the potential implications of AI on our democratic systems.
Find out how AI impacts and/or influences our societies - an opportunity to reflect together on the future of our democracies. Don't miss this interesting online discussion!

Please note that the webinar will be in French.


  • 6-6.10pm: welcome and introduction of participants
  • 6.10-7pm: plenary session
  • 7-7.30pm: Q&A and discussion with the audience

This round table will be moderated by Laurent Bibard, Professor at ESSEC Business School, and students Laura Doledec and Alexandre le Saux.

The speakers will be confirmed shortly.

To register please follow this link.
